
Pieces of A Flag

Student Opinions: Race

"This picture shows the spirit of the American people, as anybody of any race or group can contribute and ultimately create a booming society full of diversity and culture. It shows how special America is. Anybody from anywhere coming from anything can come together to form and develop a society in which we can all prosper."

~Kery, Providence

"This image to me shows how everyone and anyone who lives in America makes up the country. Regardless of race, sex, gender identity, religion or age we are all one because we get to live in America. And yes America has its flaws and also some people who don't think the same as I do but that's okay because that is what makes up America, having the freedom to think whatever you want even if others don't agree with you."

~Lizbeth, Providence

"...I think the image represents how America should have no limitations. Everyone can be American, even if you are a different race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, or any other factor should not make you less of an American than anyone else. Everyone is free to contribute to the American society. Everyone should be welcome to "take a piece" of America. If you live here, no matter what, you are an American just like the rest of us."

~Elise J, Oxford Middle School